Links to courses that I have taught:
- ECE 592 (Topics in Data Science; graduate course), 2016-2018, ECE Dept., NC State University.
- ECE308 (Elements of Control Systems; undergraduate course) – 2014 and 2015, ECE Dept., NC State University.
- ECE 421 (Introduction to Signal Processing; undergraduate course) – 2013-2018, ECE Dept., NC State University.
- ECE 514 (Random Processes; graduate course) – 2010-2013, ECE Dept., NC State University.
- ECE 792 (Universal Algorithms in Communications and Signal Processing), 2012, ECE Dept., NC State University.
- EE 044130 (Signals and Systems; undergraduate), 2009, EE Dept., Technion – Israel.
- ECE 418 [formerly ECE 318] (Introduction to Digital Image and Video Processing; mixed graduate/undergraduate), 2003, ECE Dept., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
In addition to teaching, Joel Trussell and I developed software for automating questions in ECE 421 (Introduction to Signal Processing; undergraduate course) using WeBWorK software. Each student receives a customized version of each of the questions, and the student is allowed several attempts to solve the question. The student may also request another version of the question (with different numbers). We used these for homeworks and quizzes during the 2015 spring semester. Students solved the quizzes in class using laptops, tablets, or even smart-phones; they received quiz grades immediately. Overall, students provided favorable feedback about theWeBWorK-based system, especially because it allowed many small homeworks sets followed by brief quizzes, which forced them to study consistently throughout the semester. You are invited to check out some examples on our demo using a guest login. To learn more, please take a look at the paper below. We would be glad to hear from you.
- H. J. Trussell and D. Baron “Creating Analytic Online Homework for Digital Signal Processing,” to appear in IEEE Signal Proc. Mag., Sept. 2015 (pdf).